Nov 30, 2020

Python Install of Mnemosyne on Fedora 36/37

Menmosyne is an open source flashcard management application available on Linux. It is not included in the repos, probably because it asks for some form of data collection.

Appearance in Gnome



Mnemosyne: A Lesser Known Goddess

Mnemosyne was the goddess of memory, and mother of the muses.

Installation on Fedora

Note: This post was last updated for Mnemosyne version 2.10.1

Install dnf Packages

  •  $ sudo dnf install python3-pip texlive-latex texlive-dvipng 
Note: This a lot of packages. I'm open to user friendly alternatives for installing LaTeX.

About Latex:

LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting system; it includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation. LaTeX is the de facto standard for the communication and publication of scientific documents.

Install Python Packages

Note: These Python pip commands are intended to not require sudo privileges. Python has intentionally created the --user option to avoid security issues. These python packages, and Mnemosyne, will only work with your user account.

  1.  $ pip install --user --upgrade pip 
  2.  $ pip install --user --upgrade wheel 
  3.  $ pip install --user --upgrade setuptools 
  4.  $ pip install --user --upgrade sphinx 
  5.  $ pip install --user --upgrade pyopengl PyQt6 PyQt6-sip PyQt6-WebEngine  gTTS pillow cheroot matplotlib Webob googletrans google-trans-new nose argon2-cffi 




Get the Latest Mnemosyne Release

  1. Download the source .zip file of the latest release from their Github:
  2. Unpack the mnemosyne directory
    • Extracting into ~/Downloads is fine, as the unpacked directory can be deleted after the installation

Install Mnemosyne

  1.  $ cd ~/Downloads/mnemosyne-x.x.x 
  2.  $ make build-all-deps 
  3.  $ make
    •  Exit the GUI setup, as it is a false run
      •  The terminal should return to a command prompt
  4.  $ sudo python install 
    •  The Mnemosyne application should show up in system app menus
    •  Note: There is a checkbox about data collection on the initial GUI setup
  5.  Delete the downloaded zip, and the unpacked directory








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