Nov 20, 2023

Progress Installing Hyprland on Fedora 38/39

November 20, 2023: This is just a quick, pass-a-long micro post.

Results have been spotty for me up to this point installing Hyprland on Fedora. It looks like the situation has come together a bit more, certainly thanks to these contributors.

Installing Hyprland on Fedora 38/39:

 I found my solution looking from:

  1.  here: Hyprland Wiki Installation Page
    • (Under the Fedora tab)
  2. . . . sent me here: Hyprland GitHub Discussion Page
  3. . . . sent me here: 

S1n7ax's instructions have worked by all initial appearances on Fedora 39. However, they do not appear to be updated regularly. Perhaps they don't need it.

I have not tried solopasha's copr repo. However the repo shows continued discussion about how it's coming along.

I might do a post about a baseline Fedora Hyprland installation in a few months.

Update - December 2023 --------------------------------------

Hyprland has been added to the Fedora 39 repositories.

However, the solopasha Copr Repo has some more Hyprland-related utilities and projects than the Fedora repositories.